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Zoo-Med Labs Rebrand

Check out my process doc! In this presentation you can get a peek into my design process. Scroll down to see final designs.

For Zoo-Med, I wanted to rebrand them so that they have a more cohesive aesthetic and message. For a company that makes animal care products and donates to a lot of animal safety charities, they use a lot of plastic packaging, which is very harmful to both human and animal environments.


​So, when rebranding them, I wanted to focus on sustainability. For many products, ditching plastic for paper packaging makes sense and would be very easy.


Along with that, for most printable collateral, I decided to go with using a single black ink. I think this keeps the packaging simple and recognizable while also being environmentally conscious. The brand’s color palette will mostly be used digitally.


​Zoo-Med's brand values include sustainability, innovation, affordability, community, and responsibility. I kept these values in mind when rebranding Zoo-Med and creating all of the deliverables.


Having a consistent message is very important to every brand. and it's equally important to stick to your message and values. When it comes to designing physical collateral, like packaging, ads, business cards, etc, it was very important to me to use sustainable materials.


My material of choice is kraft paper. It's biodegradable and recyclable, unlike Zoo-Med's current plastic packaging.


This can package most of their products, and anything that can't go in paper can go in a recyclable tin can - plastic would be a last ditch option.


With that, the Zoo-Med rebrand is complete. With our society growing and our consumption accelerating, sustainability as as important as ever.

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